Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Words like “cybersecurity” and “cyber Compliance” are often used interchangeably without much thought given to how they differ. Even though they are related practices, they are different approaches to the frequent problem of cybersecurity threats. Simply put, cybersecurity is the process put in place to protect your IT infrastructure, including data, networks, and any cloud assets or applications. Cyber compliance is the adherence to federal and state cybersecurity regulations that are determined by a governing body or certification board. Whereas cybersecurity includes all the tools, processes, and operations in place to protect data, cyber compliance is aligning those security systems with one or more required documents. For example, the Written Information Security Program (WISP) document is a requirement that more and more states are demanding from businesses.

Written Information Security Protocol

The WISP has been used for years by companies to implement legal, administrative, and technical safeguards for the protection of personal information. It addresses electronic and physical methods of access, collection, storage, use, and transmission.

Sumsion Business Law and Cybersecurity

Sumsion Business Law is one of Utah's leaders in cyber compliance. We offer many services to our clients that help them follow cybersecurity law, including - Initial and Cybersecurity Assessments to rate the risk of a company with the current regulations and compliance requirements for businesses in the state of Utah. - WISP After the recommendations received from our IT team, our legal teams prepare the Written Information Security Program (WISP) document. In addition, SBL is ready to offer solutions that include: Legal membership litigation services channel partner solutions referral resources legal services for Business Additional Consultation. We want to meet you, learn about your business, and help you get cyberlaw compliant.


confidentiality of personal information


against any anticipated threats


against unauthorized access


identity theft

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